Welcome to the 30 Days of Prayer home page! During the next 30 days we will be taking care of our soul! We encourage you to join us in strengthening our spiritual disciplines and praying for what God wants to do in our lives and in our church!

Each day Pastor Nelson will share readings for you to enjoy below. These may include stories, articles, bible verses, etc. 

Tuesday, 05 June 2018 05:00

Day 2: I Love This!

His graph was moving left to upper right just like we all like it! He should’ve loved it! It wasn’t doing it for him though, not like it used to. He had been praying about what God has next for him and wasn’t getting the clarity he wanted. He felt there was more. I guess you could say he knew there was more, he just didn’t know what it was and was frustrated that God didn’t seem to be answering his prayer. He looked across the desk from me, I think expecting me to be the one to tell him what God would have him do next!

Monday, 04 June 2018 06:00

Day 1: I Hate This!

After hearing those words I already knew what would follow the uncomfortable silence that ensued. "Everybody gets their piece of me and I am left with nothing! I can’t do it anymore! I don’t want to do it anymore!" After a lot more decompression on her part, the conversation gave way to a point of emotionally charged sobbing. A Very appropriate and much needed release for one whose soul was emptied of any power to respond to the demands of her life. 

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