Update from Jason and Keely Eveleigh

First of all we want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for all your prayers! We are so blessed to have a church family like we do!

So we just wanted to give an update on our baby:

According to some testing that has been done, our baby will be born with DiGeorges Syndrome. The spectrum of symptoms is so broad that we don’t really know what to expect at this time. We know this baby is such an incredible blessing. We have seen God’s amazing work already though the challenges that have come with this news. However we are continuing to pray that our baby will be born completely healthy.

We have been back to Edmonton a couple more times for follow-up appointments with specialists and each time we have received some positive news. There is a heart abnormality in the development, but the heart does appear to be functioning normally. The baby is growing at the proper rate. Weight and size is all within the normal limits.

Something that is concerning is that they are still unable to detect a Thymus gland, which is responsible for the immune system. They should be able to detect one at this stage but still can’t. So we are also praying that God will give our baby a completely healthy immune system, with or without the Thymus gland.

We will have to deliver in Edmonton and therefore we will be heading there 2 weeks before the due date (June 21st).
Thank you again to everyone for your continued prayers!!